The Best And Most Complete Hunting Tips

How To Hunt A Whitetail Easily

How To Hunt A Whitetail Easily


Many hunters waste their time to wait a whitetail and arrest it,but not evet time success. Skillful huners tell you some good way s to hunt a whitetail easily and quickly.

1. Chunking

Hunting all day during the rut can be a dynamite tactic for catching big bucks cruising at midday, but very few of us actually enjoy that full day of sitting in a tree. It’s tough. That said, life hackers have a trick for dealing with large, overwhelming tasks like this, and they refer to it as “chunking.”

To chunk something—whether it is the task of writing a book or spending 13 hours on stand—break it down into smaller, manageable pieces that can be worked on one at a time, making the larger task feel less daunting.


2. The 80/20 Rule

Also known as Pareto’s Principle, the 80/20 rule states that 20 percent of your inputs will typically result in 80 percent of your outputs. Put in simpler terms, this principle explains that in many situations, 80 percent of our success comes from 20 percent of the work we actually put into it. So if we focus on that most important 20 percent, we can see increased results.

This can be applied to hunting the rut. Have you ever noticed that during this time, most of your sightings and successes each year end up coming from just one or two of your best stands?


3. Avoid Decision Fatigue

For some hunters, it happens in the morning before heading out, for others it happens at night before bed—but regardless of when it happens, a serious case of stress when trying to decide which stand to sit is an aggravating situation many of us can relate to.

The discomfort or exhaustion we begin to feel after being faced with tough decisions, day after day, is a common phenomenon encountered by hunters and non-hunters alike, and it’s referred to as “decision fatigue.” To battle this stress exaggerator, life hackers develop systems or templates for making simple decisions faster and easier.


By organizing your stands by wind direction, time, or other factors, you can simplify and speed up your stand-sitting decisions each day during the rut, and significantly reduce stress.

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