The Best And Most Complete Hunting Tips

Secrets for trainning a better hunter

Secrets for trainning a better hunter
Human odor spooks deer. Shower with a scent-free soap before every hunting trip, and try not to contaminate your hunting clothes on the way to the field. Keep them sealed in a plastic container or bag with leaves, dirt and other ground debris from around your stand until you arrive at your hunting location.  Doing so will allow your hunting clothing to take on the naturally occurring scents that permeate your hunting location. Secrets for trainning a better hunter
Most hunters think that doe estrous is the be-all and end-all of big buck attraction.  Though estrous is a wonderful tool, it’s simply that.  Wise hunters know that during the early-season it’s important to take advantage of a buck’s territorial instincts. The scent of an estrous doe during early October simply doesn’t make sense to a buck, but buck scent is always worth checking out.
One of the deadliest scent set-ups defies the accepted rule of playing the wind. Locate a long strip of timber or cover with the wind blowing along the length of it (blowing from one end to the other). At the windy end, pour some deer scent at several areas, then set up high in a tree stand just on the edge of the timber. If you’re set up high enough, your human odor should flow above the deer.
Practice setting up and taking down your tree stand before the season, and do so low on the tree.  Getting into and out of your spot as quietly as possible is key to having a look at a good buck.
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