The Best And Most Complete Hunting Tips

Use Blackberry catch the rabbit

Use Blackberry catch the rabbit

Blackberry and raspberry bushes offer both food and protection. There are several hundred varieties of them. They all grow wild. Their young, tender shoots offer an excellent and tasty food source for rabbits during the warm-weather months of the year.

As it turns cold some of those shoots – the ones down deep in the tangle near the ground – will remain green all winter. They offer a readily available food source.

Their tangles also provide some of the best cover available for rabbits. Hunters and other predators may find thick patches of berries nearly impossible to get through. Not so with rabbits. They easily make paths through them. Some live their entire lives in and around these patches.

Berries also provide protection from above. It’s difficult, indeed nearly impossible, to see a rabbit from above such a mess.

Look for blackberries and raspberries growing wild along old fencerows, on hillsides, near old campsites, around old dump grounds and in old, long neglected fields.

Hunt such areas carefully. The rabbits won’t be far away.

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