The Best And Most Complete Hunting Tips

Useful Experiences Tell You The Ways To Hunt The Deer

Useful deer hunting tips

Assuming that you have shot a gun in your life, I will forego how to shoot a gun to give you tips on how to actually be in a position to get a deer. To get a deer, you must first see a deer. That is the biggest challenge because you can be the best shot in the world and never get one. On the other hand, you could be the worst shot in the world and get a deer if one walks right in front of you. Then all you have to do is point and fire. Useful deer hunting tips 02
To put some things into perspective for you on this, imagine if you were in your house and a blind man who couldn’t hear or smell and used a walker came into your house once a year. Add that he moved around very loudly, wore bright orange, and smelled so bad it made you want to hurl. You would know your house like the back of your hand and he gets lost and walks into walls. You would laugh at him because he wouldn’t stand a chance, would he? Oh, maybe he would get lucky and after an afternoon of going on about your business you would slip up and forget he was there. You may go into the kitchen where he was waiting in your refrigerator and when you open the door to get a sandwich, he would kill you. Well, that’s how it is for the deer. We are at a total disadvantage in their house.

When you hunt an animal that has such advantages over you, you must then outthink the animal…that is our advantage…our brains. Knowing the animal you are hunting can help give you the edge. It can put you in the right place at the right time.

Just like every animal in the world, deer have defenses. To be successful, you must beat these defenses. Knowing that you will never ever sneak up on a grazing deer is essential to getting one. Here are some tips to tell you how to hunt the deer.

A deer’s eye sight:

1.Deer have their eyes on the side of their head, which gives them a view of 310 degrees. It makes it hard for a deer to focus on a single point, so use that to your advantage by sitting somewhere where the trees or brush break up your outline. Just make sure you give yourself the ability to take a clean shot.

2.Deer have good night vision, which is why they are active at night, particularly in the early morning and near dusk. You can’t hunt at night. First it is not safe, and second, it is illegal (probably because it isn’t safe). The rule is sun up to sun down. That does not mean your version of what sun up or sun down is, that means the actual times. So to take advantage of that knowledge by getting out into the woods as early as possible and leave as late as possible.

A deer’s sense of smell:

1.When you walk, you leave your human scent behind on the ground and on the plants you pass by. This tells a deer that you are there and what time you got there. This allows them to determine if you are a threat or not, but keep in mind that that during hunting season, they will just automatically put you in the threat category. To prevent leaving a scent on the ground, you can try wearing rubber boots instead of leather ones. Leather boots retain scent and leave it on the ground when you walk. There is nothing on rubber boots that hold odors.

2.Spray the bottom of your boots with either scent block or deer urine. Make sure if you use deer urine that it is a spray bottle that doesn’t expose it to air because it’s smell changes within about 20 minutes of exposure. A deer will “smell” a rat if you will. If you do spray urine on, do it after you spray the scent block or it is a waste of time and money. They can actually smell layers of scent.

3.If a deer can smell you in the air, he won’t come anywhere near you. To combat this, take a shower in the morning of the hunt with scent block, and then dry yourself with a towel that wasn’t washed with scented detergents. Also, wash your hunting clothes with scent block, then, in addition, spray yourself down with more…all over and completely. Anything untouched by scent block will be detected. In addition, help yourself out by paying strict attention to wind direction. If you have the wind at your back, you won’t see a deer in front of you. You want to be downwind of your target area. Have a couple of sitting spots ready and you will save yourself a lot of aggravations, and you might even see a deer.

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